Space Coast Dance Club is a group of friends whose goal is to share our passion for social dancing. Our mission is to dance as often as possible and encourage others to join the fun. By supporting the dance community, we can help assure a variety of dance venues at an affordable cost. Space Coast Dance Club, Inc. (SCDC) is organized and operates as a nonprofit social and educational organization under the Not for Profit Corporation Act for the purpose of preserving, studying, teaching and promoting public interest in all forms of social dancing. Cost of Membership for this year is $30 per year. Club dues are collected for the year in January. From July through December, the half year membership is $15. The nominal cost of $30 per year can be recovered in the $5 discount on our dances, free water and discounted special events, stretching your dance dollar. If you dance regularly in our area, or if you are new to the dance world, we welcome you to join us and share in the fun and friendship.

To become a Member of SCDC, please speak to a member at the Admission desk or Print a copy of our brief application HERE and bring it to the dance.


* $5 Discounts on Club Dances

* One free bottle of water per event

* Discounts at designated events and lessons

* Voice in direction of SCDC

*Admission for Members : $10.00

* Admission for Guests: $15.00

* Bottled water available for $1.00 each

Visiting Instructors workshops and lessons
before dances are priced separately


Mailing Address
Space Coast Dance Club
PO Box 121134
Melbourne, FL 32941

Speak to Board Member
Debbie Werner 516-398-7734

Web Site


SCDC 2025 Board of Directors

Rich Krywe - President
Joan Silvester - Vice President
Jennifer McKinney - Secretary
Debbie Werner - Treasurer
Dominic Brunet - Director
Steve Dandeneau - Director
Deborah LaPointe - Director